Friday, June 26, 2009

Swiss Air 111

I was booking a flight on this carrier SwissAir 111 to finish my WIPO filings in Geneva, where at the time my sister was living with her husband and family. As it turns out my parents flew to Maryland to STOP me from catching the flight out of NY. Ironically all that trauma was the "NAIL in the Coffin" for me independently and correctly concluding that 911 terrorism was to take place with aircraft; I also attempted to warn then Pres. Clinton in 1998 in DC proper at a 1996 follow-up finance minesterial roundtable discussion with then US Treasury Sec. Reubin, however in their impetuous assanine haste the Secret Service absconded me as a "loon".

NOTE: I also warned them with certified USPS letters in 1998 as well. I might have received a US Medal of Honor in 2004 for that extraordinairy act of herorism: the highest civilian honor, but the LA community where I am typing this hates me with such a passion I was actually arrested by Federal agents as they still are unable to come to grips with this information.
As of this writing some unidentified persons in this greater community are still under the suspicion that I am "sex offender" why? in part because these same agents started bombarding my accounts with pornography, set up private investigators (spy vans and the like) with an intentional will that would boggle the mind . . . when the dots do connect however on the truthfulness of what I am saying a > $1.2 Trillion Economy will be revealed.
[Note: $3 million defamation suit filed against Harry Lee et. al.]

I was also member of the World Trade Center (WTC) association and was present on the "Windows to the World" in NYC before their collapse. I had forensic proof of data and I think most of you should understand we do need "James Bond" characters because was I able to ENFORCE my intelligence with a gun, the ENTIRE war would NEVER had happened.

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