Friday, June 26, 2009

The Ocean Series

This is the Deal:
I don't play poker games with One eyed jacks & queens. I don't see anywhere in the King James Bible where playing the game of roulette is necessary for the survival of the human race.
The script for this movie was ready in 1995 and presented to the New Orleans City Council at that time by yours truly. So don't let ANYONE push doubt into your minds (e.g. Time Warner who owns the series name or local casting groups etc.) with regards to the veracity of this script.
If people are not understanding my motivation, but enjoying the concept of the production, let me paint the picture for you: Firstly, the New Orleans media does not understand the scope of coverage of economy that passes through this city. A large part of the global economic community across the Ocean's already has high levels of interest, including the European Investment Community. Thus don't expect local media coverage to "verify" that this a true production or not, because they can't.
Secondly, these various persons have already been notified all the way to "EUROPOL" and Italy as in Florence, Rome and elsewhere. Thirdly, what makes anyone believe that another "perfect storm" will not strike this region? Until people of this community realize that if they TRULY want to save and rebuild New Orleans, you have to do this NOT on a gamble, but on equity holdings of hard working stocks and energy companies much too numerous to list here.
Slot machines do not pay unless you're on the list as a winner. They are merely a device that entertains for the detriment of those who have little faith in the US Currency vis-a-vis Las Vegas dollars. The final answer is right here, and the deceivers and non-believers are going to have to understand that there is such a thing as the "Y2K Silver Bullet" because Vision 2020 is both foresight and hindsight.
So in closing, I DON'T want this production to occur unless everyone from top to bottom, left and right feels comfortable in all areas of compliance, including the name brand actors who are shuffled around the globe. Don't think being an actor is not stressful, wasn't it Danny Ocean in 12 who asked his brother's in crime "how old do I look"? And thus, when we nail this operation, EVERYONE is going to get paid legally, the cash is going to be disbursed legally and ethically to holding institutions in the area, considering that every dollar bill is serialized, and if everyone from the US Justice Department and LA Charitable gaming does the job they have been called on to do, it will run smoothly.
The OCEAN's series, getting people into their seats (also the theater box office) is half the battle. Attaching them to Ocean's 3, 7, 8, 9, and 24 . .all of the money is here to bring about an educational transformation of the many people that I know that have quite literally blown their money -lost everything- considered suicide etc., because they gambled it away.
Louisiana and the Gaming Industry needs to start taking ethical responsibility in placing these people into their seats in this script, instead of letting them run amok.
The REALITY of what needs to happen versus what is happening is so incredibly twisted no google computer will ever resolve that.
I believe the content of the video and movie that will be produced should already be pre-marketed in "real time" to get the consuming market a chance to raise their interest levels and purchase the product off the shelf and on the movie screens, because they themselves could not be there to witness the deed.
So thanks for all your help.
There always will be something else Louisiana can Produce, some of you should start considering Sony Pictures and the Plaza Tower in downtown New Orleans.
Deixe Rolar,
SS a.k.a. John Greed and the 14 (C) 1996

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