Friday, June 26, 2009

HBO Terrorism

HBO recently aired a story about the group who banned together for the historic destruction of the US landmarks which we call 911. I stumbled into this movie this morning, and either I was still drained, but the whole glorification of the process just made me even more ill.

Let's try and put this into perspective (from my own experience with these matters) and with regards to my legal filings and hero culture. I alert the US Government of pending attacks with certified mail in 1998, I get investigated by the USDOD criminal investigative agency in Maryland 2002; then later I get arrested in the summer of 2004 as an attempted government rendition victim. Even though I have the evidence and can present the story board of my behaviors that led me to these actions.
What should have happened: Congress listens to its American Citizens; I should have received the Medal of Honor and its benefits. The Judicial System uses it's powerful forensic tools to investigate my legal filing and correctly re-interprets the actual scenario in the chain of events which could have saved thousand upon thousands of lives, and given the regular citizen "the breath of fresh psychological air" to continue to travel like good citizens and produce powerful competitive high technology to serve people in need.

So the moral of the story seems to be, the more rude and destructive your behavior is the more attention and respect you receive in the World Stage as a "mover and shaker". With that said, I could think of nothing more fantastic than the Mir crashing to Earth on top of some unsuspecting "evil people." On my accounting on these matters I should be the MVP Team USA, not the terrorist that the government is after, something is majorly wrong here.

And yet, Together we have a choice to put virgin leadership into the White House by 2012: ALL of you need to forward this communication and blog contents to your "inner heart circle of friends".

It boils down to this core premise: "where's the money?!" Money is a system of shared cultural values of "God's" will on Earth representing barter and exchange of goods, commerce, ideas. It is a combination of people's beliefs and experiences, validated by their own testimonies. It has no skin color, it does not belong to a fraternal order, but it sits in "institutions" that the Earth needs to give meaning to its own chaos, and thus gives reason for people to maintain it.

But let's look a little more optimistic. Let's say we actually get the various supply chain engineer vendors to take my various projects more seriously. What could be more exciting to see men and women fall out of orbit like meteors, or float into a void of nothingness called space. And by the way, isn't that how stars die?
On the other hand, are people that dense to not understand that the switch to "high speed rail" in the USA (for example) is a major paradigmatic shift for an energy dependent economy (the likes of which Japan, China, Europe already have implemented.) Former Congressman Tauzin of Louisiana proposed a high speed train between Baton Rouge and New Orleans and nearly died bringing that concept to market. The fact is, he did get cancer, and "God" is resurrecting him, if the doctor's don't kill him first.

Who are the losers here? The oil sycophants, agglomerating to the major auto industries. Hundreds of technology parks all around the USA. The people that educate Americans on the ideology that "English" is the only spoken language on Earth, and to protect these British Constitutional rights we have to "pick up arms" to defend ourselves. The losers are also design engineering schools in Japan, India and China or even Korea, who NEVER get to hear this testimony, and yet have willing and educated contractors building and designing the future all around the globe.
Keep in mind in the New Orleans area I have been falsely arrested a total of eight times (handcuffed and evicted for showing up on an appointment with a bicycle), once nearly shot by a policeman called on by an "unlisted neighbor" (who had is gun cocked and ready to fire) and the "creme de la creme" arresting me at point of stun gun and drugging me up so severely it took me months to recover. You get the picture. It's not merely a matter of someone trying to "scare me" ... it's a total all out vendetta against the Truth of what the future needs and wants.

It's called "Collective Social Autism" and the eyes of this very deliberate conscious greed and jingoism stretch back all the way to Tesla (for which a movie has been suggested.) [cf. Gladwell, Blink the Power of Thinking without Thinking.] You cannot even talk to certain people about it, because they are so immersed and lost in their own privy realities, they would get so upset, they would have you arrested just for looking at them and thinking good things.

I believe what they need to do is "arrest the post master general of the USA" because in their sycophantic haste the institutional corporates in DC unconsciously and intentionally kill progress in a bi-polar nation, the likes of which the rest of the World just really does not care about and laughs at, to be quite honest. They laugh at Michael Jackson the hero, some laugh with Bill Maher, one day people are going to cry when they hear my name, but the tears of technology will wash away and the truth will set them free and they will know the bastards by name and kill their ancestors from the Tree of Life, either that or shuffle them off to be "born again" under new circumstances.

Trust me, I am a hero in more ways than some of you can imagine, but evidently not in the USA, unless some of you start taking aim at the truth with me. I AM NOT A MARTYR. I am alive and well, and ready to pick up the necessary ammunition to blow people's reality to the kingdom to come.

Very Concerned,

SS a.k.a. "The Dali Karma" Anytown, USA - "One Truth Way"

(C) 2006

P.S. I have a similar verifiable anecdote for "Katrina" in light of the "Economic Justice Alliance."

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