Friday, June 26, 2009

Central American Soccer Wars & Immigration

NOTE: Originally Posted on the Yahoo Soccer Group List

It is quite clear to me that the NFL lobbyists has its hands in pushing "Illegal Immigrants" out of the USA. Far Fetched you say? Consider that one of the main reasons that MLS in the USA is not considered a viable industry is competition by this league for viewers and sponsorship. Lobbyists sell the argument to Capitol Hill in light of the "Honduran Soccer War", that is, that soccer fans are unruly, not only in Central America but also in the UK and EU. Where are the economic facts, anyone? The FIFA World Cup 2010 should speak for itself.
Whoever may be reading this, let me tell you something: I would venture to say that most of you do NOT know the Greater New Orleans region like I do. In fact, I have evidence to support that even "official census bureau" data has been misrepresented in this area, to continue to benefit "the staying power" of mega-monopolies in the region (e.g. auto dealers and the like.)
There exists a plethora of corporate real-estate and "migrant workers of all races" that live in this community. Consider that the average American can afford to travel quite comfortably in the continental USA nowadays and, in fact, it is quite expected for the middle manager. By forcing the hand of the "Louisiana Soccerdome"(R), this agenda should FORCE local economic agendas to take into account the international markets in this region and other's often defamatory attitudes that hey! "you're just an hispanic" you are an "immigrant"; Read: "you are not represented and do not count."
Also consider very carefully the same reason that USA Men's have never yet won a World Cup is the same reason the USA cannot beat "Al Queda" terrorism, we shall see right? Each veteran has a reason why they served this country and the history books if full of "half truths", considering for example the Nazi Flag: It was paraded around New Orleans on Basin street (according to Mayor Andrew Young, and U.N. ambassador who was a child in the city at that time in a PBS broadcast.)
In fact the now deceased Col. Buechner reported that there was a US Battalion that carried the swastika as their own logo, before it was determined "who the real enemy was in Europe". So the point is "racism" is often times not knowing your history very well. And popular opinion although it might be true for the moment, seldom if ever reveals the true driving force of culture around the globe, bouncing around like a soccer ball!
If this whole scenario does not make you sick to the stomach you evidently have never really looked at the politics of money very closely. To boot, congress and state and local legislature pass laws to support it's lawyers who then turn around and ask for "bribes" for common sense principals of economics. This is NOT people representation. The people are NOT getting what they want by talking to lawyers and attorney's WAKE UP WOW!
Even though I am a great fan of them (I sprained my ankle just watching Erxleben make his kick against the Falcons) I honestly do not believe the NFL Saints have the necessary staying power, and will be pulled out to Los Angeles or San Antonio who desperately want an NFL franchise. And if that happens, where is the "kickback" to jump start the New Orleans economy?
[LA certified promoter thru 2010] (C) 2006
P.S. I played goalie for the Celebration Church interfaith soccer league (1998). Philip Chabata of the N.O. Baptist Theological Center & I were co-captains. I sprained my ankle so badly, I decided never to play on that level again, especially since I was walking around with a grapefruit type swelling on my ankle in Manhattan during that time.

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